Birth Control is a beautiful thing, it's just not for me. Birth control prevents so many unwanted pregnancies, it allows women to be proactive toward their future, it helps people with hormonal disorders like PCOS. It prevents the spread of STI's. It allows people to be sexually expressive. It gives women and men around the world peace of mind. It is a wonderful invention that has helped on a grand scale (i.e. population control). But, it's just not for me. I was a Junior in high school and went on my first pill- Beyaz. I became a depressed, couch potato, with a bloated belly, and erratic thoughts. I thought going on the pill was the cool thing to do- even though I wasn't sexually active. Little did I know it would open years of medical issues that probably would have never existed if I hadn't used hormonal birth control. But, one thing is for sure, when I did become sexually active, I didn't get pregnant, so there's that. A few months on my first pill, my...