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Showing posts from May, 2018

Shingles at 23?

Here I am about to go on vacation again and some freak health incident happens to me, once again. I have shingles. I had the chicken pox when I was two years old, thanks to a friend at gymnastics. I knew shingles was a thing that typically old people get, and I NEVER suspected I would get it because I am a young healthy person. Truth is, one in three get shingles in their lifetime and it is more common in elderly but does develop in young people as well. Usually it manifests itself when your body is under some degree of physical or emotional stress. Am I stressed? Typically I like to think of myself as a care-free person, but I do get stressed. I am in the first six months of my first job as a registered nurse, I was working over a month of night shifts and then suddenly switched to days, and I recently applied to graduate school which stressed me out for some reason. So I guess I am, but I didn't feel too bad. It all started on a Sunday, I had a headache and a stiff neck. I