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Showing posts from January, 2018

New Nurse Anxiety

Being a new nurse sucks . Here's my blunt and honest post, I'm hoping someone out there identifies with. I have been working my first nursing job ever as a labor and delivery nurse for about three months. I am still on orientation, which is soon coming to an end. I am nervous as ever to be "on my own". There is comfort being with my preceptor- who always has my back. Especially in situations where my patient is hemorrhaging or we are having a prolonged fetal deceleration that requires an emergency c-section. On a day to day basis I feel like there is so much to chart- stupid little things, which eventually add up to be important. It's hard to learn what to chart, where to chart it, and when to chart it. Charting is one of the most difficult and time consuming things when you're new. It literally is one of the things that gives me the worst anxiety During nursing school, I was so ready to be done. I was so excited to be a "real" nurse and finally