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Showing posts from June, 2018

Yosemite for People Who Don't Hike

Ahh Yosemite- one of the most beautiful places I've ever laid my eyes on. My boyfriend and I were lucky enough to spend a week there in May. Now let me tell you, we aren't hikers. We enjoy spending time outdoors but we aren't the type to strap on a enormous back pack and do 13 miles in the mountains. We are more the type to pack a lunch and go on a 2 or 3 mile "mild to moderate hike" on paved paths with minimal black bears 🐻 . I'm going to tell you what we did- cause it worked for us- we got to see everything we wanted to & we weren't flat out exhausted everyday. DAY ONE- Wednesday Flight from PGH to Oakland, CA. First thing we did was pick up our rental car (which is a MUST HAVE) for Yosemite if you're not staying in the valley. Everything is so spread out and you want to be able to drive to each location & groceries, etc. Then we headed to Safeway and bough shelf stable foods for the week (we survived off of PB sandwiches and ban